eva's diary

3/7/24 | skipping classes yet again! sometimes i like to pretend i'm not a college student with better things i could be doing. i have a long 5 days of work ahead of me and i'd rather stay home when i can. i love staying home and i love my bedroom! yes i'm a terminal homebody, so what

3/4/24 | had a lazy day today. i recently started watching netflix's Castlevania anime because i got tempted too hard by posts on my tumblr dashboard and i actually like it enough that i've made it like 8 episodes in! that's a rarity for me these days. i like alucard and hector the most. i love vampire

3/1/24 | i'm tired. i'm going to be writing about that a lot. as an overview of where i'm at now for the event that i'm looking back from the future (or maybe that someone else is just reading this): i'm about halfway through my second semester as a junior in university, and holding down a part-time job simultaneously. it's normal enough for someone at 21 years old to be doing. problem is that the reality of this routine is that most days in the week, my life is just work from morning to night. i like my job, but i am usually pretty worn out by the end of the night. on the other hand, i still try my best to wake up early in the morning to be prepped for class and ensure i have enough time open during the day for getting assignments out of the way. my time for rest and socialization is thus minimalized-- that is, unless i choose to put off my responsibilities in favor of a short & fleeting time for recuperation; this ends up serving to leave me with a larger workload to catch up on later. the problem i'm facing now though is that i'm growing tired enough and so bored with schooling lately that i'm caring about it less and less. as i write right now, i'm techincally supposed to be sitting in a lecture copying notes down, but instead i'm here writing code kicked back in a comfy-ish chair. i know skipping classes is nothing new for the average college student, but i guess growing up as sort-of a goodie-goodie in school made me feel guilt for skipping despite the propensity for it that i've grown. i just wish there were more hours in the day, more days in the week, for me to use outside of work for feeling like a normal, functioning person again. in an hour's time my next class will have started, i'll be going to that one, and i will not escape the day's workflow for another 9 hours. nevermind that my day of work started at 9:30 am.
